&hint1=I am on a handscroll& &hint2=I combine elements of both literati and academic traditions& &hint3=The artist who created me was shamed for cheating on exams& &hint4=I depict a fisherman& &choices=Secluded Fisherman on an Autumn River;Garden façade of the Palace of Versailles;Li Po Chanting a Poem;Seven Juniper Trees;Dome of Florence Cathedral;Sacrifice of Isaac, Brunelleschi& &answer=Secluded Fisherman on an Autumn River& &search=Tang Yin& &title=Secluded Fisherman on an Autumn River& &artist=Tang Yin& &medium=Handcsroll, ink, and color on silk& &date=1523& &location=National Museum, Taipei& &dimensions=height 11 1/2"&